Business Moderation: The Theme – Tips for a Successful Moderation Design

Today we’ll start with a series concerning business moderation and a successful moderation design. Throughout the following weeks, you will receive information on how to successfully design your workshop. Enjoy! 🙂

If you feel the need to receive further information about moderation design, feel free to check the moderationtrainings and coachings I offer!

A successful business moderation must always be well prepared. During your workshops you want to use the available time as efficiently as possible to accomplish the goals that have been set. Unproductive conflicts and stress should be avoided as much as possible.

At the heart of any moderation is enough time to prepare. This can be compared to an iceberg: The largest part is invisible (the preparation) and the smaller part stands out (the performance). A thorough preparation ensures you have the basis for operating flexible during the workshop.

In order to successfully design your business moderation, I would recommend that you deal with some important issues. Over the course of the next few weeks I shall regularly ask you one of these questions and explain to you why they are so important and how you can build on them.

I am looking forward to your feedback and our regular get togethers in the next few weeks!

Today, we’ll begin with the first important question, namely:

1. “What is the topic of your workshop?”

As a moderator it is important to familiarise yourself in advance with the respective topic. You don’t need not be a specialist in the area, it is however recommended that a workshop on a particular topic you are moderating is not a complete blank. : -)
Remember: If you’re entirely unprepared, it looks unprofessional and you will have difficulties to reach common results within your group. Also, it is difficult to ask the right questions and to visualise. On the other hand, if you’re too much into the topic itself, there is the risk that you can no longer act neutral – and that you endanger one of the highest premises of moderation: your neutrality!

Business moderation: neutrality

Business moderation: Stay neutral!

To grab the attention of your workshop participant’s from the beginning, offer something current on the subject or select a fitting image to bring to your workshops for example. That livens up your introduction and will make your participants listen to you.
Another thing which is important is to estimate the participant’s knowledge on the subject – you may want to hold an entry presentation to bring all participants to a comparable level.

Have you thought enough about your workshops theme? Then you’re ready for the next important question! Stay tuned.

Warm regards,