Hashtags. To be honest, I still don’t entirely understand them. How does it really work? Are they only of any use to me on Twitter and Instagram? Or does it make sense to use them on Facebook too? And what is the point of it all anyway?
I grew up with shared telephone lines and stamp collections. Never-ending arguments with annoyed parents (OK, this still happens today presumably) and telephone cables stretched to their breaking point. (Why did the telephone always have to be exactly where the parents loved to hang out at exactly the moment when their daughter wanted to call her latest flame or whoever happened to be her best friend at the moment?!?).
My BusinessMind Youtube Channel
But enough travelling down memory lane. Of course I’m not a progress refusenik. Some time ago I let myself be persuaded by my employee Nicole to get in front of the camera and shoot short videos. You can admire all of them today on my Youtube Channel.
Okay, I may only have all of 2 “followers”, but at least the videos were watched several times. And I do believe that there are one or two pretty good ones among them. You’re welcome to take a look!!
On top of that, I’m on LinkedInand XING as well. My autocorrect is, by the way, just stubbornly trying to change XING to FING. My autocorrect obviously recognises LinkedIn. It seems to have a hard time with XING, though.
This echoes my own personal experiences. My articles are read, liked and recommended much more frequently on LinkedIn. This happens less on XING.
My favourite enemy. Mark Zuckerberg.
Well, and then there is Facebook. The must-have social style. It’s beginning to show its age and signs of wear, that much is true. But still en vogue. And still on everyone’s lips.
Just like a posting that recently came to my attention on Youtube (naturally). It was about Facebook’s outrageously slow reaction to hate postings, fake news and their effect on world events.
While we here, in the western world, are barely able to protect even ourselves from excessive online media consume, in other parts of the world, for example in Myanmar, so much more is at stake for large parts of the population. There, for example, fake news about the Muslim minority – the Rohingya – is consciously disseminated. And as people mainly consume news via Facebook in the meantime, and as it is not subject to any kind of filter system, all too often it is accepted at face value and thus puts the lives of many innocent people at risk.
To cut a long story. Short.
Where is all this going?
A few years ago I went against my gut feeling and allowed myself to be talked into using Facebook if I wanted to be a successful business person. Since then I’ve got a private profile as well as a professional BusinessMind profile, which I try to update as regularly as I can.
I receive friend requests from strangers, advertising for products that don’t interest me, and the response to my content can hardly be called overwhelming.
And then I see posts such as the one mentioned and I become more and more inclined to think that I may not need to be on Facebook after all.
Digital and social.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t believe that we should turn a blind eye to the advance of digitisation. After all, there are so many wonderful possibilities to network better, put your company in the public eye and support others with their concerns.
This is why I continue to offer my coaching on SKYPE und ZOOM, regularly update my XING and LinkedIn profile and yes, continue to amaze you on Youtube. 🙂 But I say goodbye to Facebook here and now.
Maybe I will just tell you about my latest activities now and then personally over a cup of hot mulled wine , in the spirit of Christmas. 🙂
The annual BusinessMind Christmas Raffle
Do you have a tip regarding a helpful / sustainable / time-saving app or web application? How do you use social media? Leave me a comment and win a coaching session withme.
And as always, you can win my book “Blossoming Workshops and Seminars Guaranteed to Succeed” worth 29.99 EUR.
Send us a comment below until 30. November 2019, 19.00 o’clock, and win!!
* Prizes are not transferrable and cannot be redeemed in cash.
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