Online Moderation of EU Project Meetings. Online Team Development. What 2020 brought. What 2021 will bring.
Hello in the New Year!
We hope you enjoyed a few relaxing and joyful days in your – probably very small, this time – circle of loved ones, and started the New Year off well and above all, healthy.
We’re delighted that you’re reading us again in 2021! ?
Review and Outlook
As in the previous year, we again took the turn of the year as an opportunity to glance back. To reflect. To ask ourselves: what was good? What wasn’t so good?
And, based on these learnings, to decide: What would we like to take with us into the New Year? Do what differently? Leave what behind?
Admittedly, 2020 wasn’t exactly the best year. Like many others, we also feared for our existence on some stretches along the way, suffered some personal blows of fate, and battled with the huge changes the pandemic brought with it.
And yet, this crisis – like most challenges – also presented an equally great opportunity. And we achieved a lot, things that were unimaginable during some of the bleakest moments.
Everything that’s new in 2021
Our vision to offer first online training courses and online moderation by 2025 was achieved within a few months in 2020 already. Within the shortest time we switched everything to online as of March 2020, carried out the first workshops on “Online Moderation“ and “Online Train-the-Trainer“ as well as conducting webinar training, we dared to dapple with hybrid formats and, step by step, collected more and more experience with our favourite online tools PADLET and miro.
We tested methods that were successful in face-to-face training settings online, adapted these and implemented them using PADLET, miro and other online tools. You’ll find a best of our online methods here.
Mentimeter Wordcloud for collecting your thoughts
Warm Up Questions via miro
miro Intro with building pyramids
(can also be used as a closer at the end of your online event)
What else?
#FacilitateForFuture – Online Moderation of EU Project Meetings
Remember the days of business trips, delayed flights and instant scrambled eggs in hotel buffets? With a bad conscience regarding children and partners waiting at home, and “actually” unacceptable CO2 footprints?
With the explosion of helpful online tools for digital collaboration a realistic possibility emerged with which we could sustainably protect the environment and save travel costs. And still work efficiently and goal-oriented together.
With #FacilitateForFuture we will take care of moderating your (EU) project meeting, implement interactive methods and thereby guarantee smart, creative results.
Also new:
Team development online
Team development workshops have always been part of the BusinessMind’s repertoire. And now, finally, after a long series of “Online Moderation” and “Online Train-the-Trainer” we’re also receiving enquiries for “Online Team Development”. Because team development – even though ideally suited for the classic face-to-face setting – can also not be postponed interminably. Because good team culture is important especially in times such as these. We’re just in the middle of the design phase and will keep you posted!!! But here’s a first peek at our activities to date.
And because we’ve got so much planned, Sarah’s now on our boat too. We hoist the sails for 2021 and look forward to fresh wind and lots and lots of sunshine!
Do drop us a comment about our current offerings, we can’t wait to hear what you think!
With the very best wishes,
Your BusinessMind team
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