Step-by-step tutorial: The headstand method implemented virtually.
Some time ago, we tried out a LinkedIn survey. Guess there’s still room for improvement in terms of the number of answers, but the answers we received paint a clear picture. The majority wishes for a step-by-step tutorial for the virtual implementation of the headstand method. Four out of six. Well, headstand method it is then.. 🙂
The last time we used the headstand method actually was virtually (excellent coincidence!). Namely at the last BusinessMind Alumni Lounge. The topic was “Hybrid meetings – blessing or curse?” and the goal was to define factors for the successful implementation of a hybrid meeting.
The headstand method is excellent for this.
But how do you actually go about it? Here and here you can read everything you need to know about implementation in an ONSITE setting. But today we want to look at the implementation in the virtual world.
Virtual implementation of the headstand method
First of all, decide on a virtual tool that your participants can use to collect their input. Depending on the size of your group, PADLET, Google Jamboard or miro are excellent tools.
Then explain the process in an overview, preferably with a PowerPoint slide. We recommend that you also integrate the exercise description directly into the tool (see image below). Don’t forget: your participants are then in break-out sessions and no longer have the slide in front of them, and half of the exercise instructions are quickly forgotten (sorry that the screenshot is in German, but you get the idea, right?).
The actual method is now done in two steps.
Step 1
In the first step (“Runde 1”), you turn your actual question upside down. And because a lot of blood usually rushes to your head during a headstand, it is allowed (actually, it’s even MUST!) to be provocative and come up with “very bad” ideas.
In our case: “The hybrid event of horror. What can you do so RIGHT wrong with hybrid events? How can you make sure your hybrid event goes really bang?”
Now invite your participants to let their creativity run wild and to come up with absolutely exaggerated answers.
This step is super important. You don’t want to demotivate your participants with a serious discussion about the disadvantages of hybrid meetings. Rather, you give them the opportunity to create funny and completely exaggerated horror scenarios, implicitly addressing their fears, in order to finally work out concrete measures to avoid these horror scenarios on the basis of the collected input.
After you have explained the method in overview, and then just the first step more concretely, send the link to the external tool in the chat. We always send the link AFTER the first explanations, otherwise you will lose at least half of your participants already during the explanations, because they are already busy playing with the tool. 🙂
Finally, don’t forget to tell your participants who is in which group/room so that they know where to enter their input in the tool.
Then send your participants to break out sessions in small groups of 3-4 people. This first round can be short. 5 minutes is usually enough.
The headstand method is a wonderful way to get drowsy heads or inattentive participants thinking again. Everyone becomes alert and contributes their ideas on how something should NOT be – even the grumblers are picked up and positively involved. And everyone has a lot of fun.
Step 2
In the second step (“Runde 2”), the question is asked:“What can/must we do so that the horror scenario XY does not become reality?” (see also column 2 in the picture) This is about working out concrete strategies for success. For this step, give your participants more time. Depending on the size of the group, we recommend about 15 minutes. Also, don’t let them simply reverse step 1 Ã la “DO NOT let only those physically present have their say“. It takes a little more meat on the bones. A possible example here could be:
“Address those present on site and the online audience equally. To do this, formulate moderation notes accordingly, work with a virtual co-host and always collect the questions from the online world first.”
Is the difference clear? The point is to get really specific.
We hope you enjoyed this short introduction to the virtual implementation of the headstand method and feel encouraged to give it a try. Feel free to leave us a comment on how it went!
Best wishes and see you next time,
Your BusinessMind Team
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