Sommerliche Großgruppenmoderation mit Ausblick!

Der Input für den heutigen Blogartikel kommt diesmal von zwei liebreizenden Damen, die vor Kurzem an einem meiner Trainings zum Thema Großgruppenmoderation teilgenommen und sich freundlicherweise dazu bereiterklärt haben, ihre Erfahrungen mit dir zu teilen.. viel Spaß! 🙂

Two days were hardly enough to pack it all in! Birgit got straight down to business with a constellation, setting the scene for our NCP Academy training on moderation of large groups at the Austrian Research Promotion Agency FFG in Vienna. And we took it from there – completing a series of interactive moderation techniques, always combining consideration of the context and the target audience with practical knowledge. A mixture of theory and practice kept everybody interested – and active!


The two days of training went very fast with no dull moments or any low points.

Birgit and BusinessMind were the obvious choice for the NCP Academy with Birgit’s long-standing experience in training and moderation of National Contact Point networks and organisations and we liked the appropriate group size (16 on this occasion) and attention to detail. Birgit’s pre-training preparation was faultless, with several trainees primed to lead training exercises throughout the course.

The inclusion of real events was a bonus, allowing us to use the brain power in the group to take home some detailed plans. And the weather helped, culminating in a ‘market place’ on the roof terrace! It’s hard to beat such a training environment.

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Our thanks to Birgit for an action packed training session. We’re looking forward to some very creative events from the NCPs around Europe.

Anne Overgaard Joergensen, DASTI

Work Package Leader, NCP Academy

Imelda Lambkin, Enterprise Ireland

Coordinator, NCP Academy

Anne Overgaard Joergensen Imelda Lambkin

Vielleicht hast du ja Lust bekommen, auch einmal an einem meiner Trainings teilzunehmen! Sieh dir doch mal die Trainings, die ich im Angebot habe, an und melde dich gerne jederzeit bei mir (, falls da etwas für dich dabei ist!

Liebe Grüße,

Weitere Rückmeldungen zum Training

Margarida Santos (FCT – Portugal): It is remarkable how in 2 days you may rethink your professional activity for the benefit of a whole community!

Juan Riese (ISCIII – Spain): It has been the most interactive training I have ever attended. Learning by doing. It has been an example for future trainings. Congratulations!

Katarina Rohsmann (FFG – Austria): This two-day training on moderation of events was packed with methods and ideas for interactive events. I can only recommend Birgit Baumanns´s trainings.

Sebastian Serwiak – IPPT PAN: I have received new ideas and tools to improve the communication and exchange of information during events like workshops and conferences, which was exactly my goal here.

Rocío Castrillo (European Office, Spanish Ministry for Economic Affairs): After this training, I feel really keen to innovate as NCP and to improve the way I usally organise events and infodays.