Project Kick-Off Meeting / Examples – Tips for Successful Moderation Design
Hi there! Last time we shortly discussed projects and typical project meeting formats: the all-important project kick-off meeting has been detailed, the midterm meeting and the final meeting in overview. Today I will give you – as promised – a very concrete example:
The following is the rough sequence of a successful 1-day kick-off meeting in Athens – designed and moderated by me – for an EU project with about 50 people (it is important to mention that there had already been a precursor project):
- Opening (Greeting; Goals; Programme; Methodological approach – especially important when innovative paths are being pursued; approximate time frame / breaks)
- Warm-up with line-up in the room (=constellation) after the following questions:
– Which country are you from?
– What is your role in the project (project owner, project management, project management team, workpackage-leader, task leader, etc)?
– How long have you been working in the EU project / preliminary project? (Time line)
- Allowing the newcomers to mix with the old hands and draw up the highlights of the previous project execution
- “Presenting” the contents of the individual work packages (WP), but not with ppt, but through performances! Yes, you read that right! The WP-leader and WP-teams were previously briefed intensively and methodically and presented their work packages e.g. as a performance! And they have visualised the most important content for additional anchoring on flip charts.
- After that, there were 3 rounds of World Café, methodical slightly modified. while the work packages were being discussed at individual tables, but according to very specific issues, e.g.
– What exactly has stuck with you from the WP-presentation/ performances?
– What questions do you have?
– Which connections to other WPS do you see?
– What exactly is your own contribution to the WP?
- All were involved and a strong commitment was created. The results were subsequently presented and discussed.
- For the closing you could choose from various – more playful – methods, which depending on the group dynamics, and the time left, could be carried out. Since the group dynamics was great (with statements like: “I feel if I were part of a big family”), the “courageous” – not every day – version was selected, the theatrical representation of the vision of this EU project, as well as the team spirit in different times: in the stone age, in the Middle Ages and in the year 2500! 🙂 Now, you can say, that‘s totally crazy, it will never work and what is the benefit??? Well, it was a lot of fun and on an unconscious level at the same time processing on the rational level.
And what do you think is better? 300 slides or the multi layered anchoring and involvement? Try it yourself!
Next time we will turn to the midterm meeting, sweetened with a very specific example.
All the best meanwhile! Birgit
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